Friday, February 27, 2009

Ty had his first practice meet today. Next week starts the season.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tyler the swimmer

Tyler has been practicing hard the last couple of weeks and has his first high school swim meet on 02/26/09. He's been making huge improvements in his swimming and we'll post more photo's of his meet in a couple of days.

Viva Las Vegas

We had lots of fun in Las Vegas. The kids loved the fact that we had a tv in the bathroom, they took turns taking a bath so they could sit and soak while watching tv. Kait loved the fact she could have steak for breakfast. While the boys were excited that desserts were served at breakfast. Makay tried shrimp and learned that he liked it he went back for more.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Where Did The Time Go

Wow time really does fly by. We seem to be getting busier everyday. I am hoping to post pictures of our trip to Vegas and different things the kids have been doing real soon.